We provide unique insurance benefits that complement primary healthcare plans. Offering an ArmadaCare insurance plan—that puts customer service and paying claims first—helps employers create the tailored, competitive, and tax-efficient* benefit packages they need to retain and reward key talent.
Learn more about our full range of products below.
*This is not local, state or federal tax advice as each person and each company is unique. It is recommended that you seek the independent counsel of a professional tax adviser.
Your employees are unique. Now their benefits can be too. With our supplemental health insurance products layered on top of your primary healthcare plan, you can create a benefits structure that meets your company’s talent management and cost objectives. Below are three steps to consider:
Which employees are you focused on retaining…senior leadership, hard-to-recruit employees (like nurses or truck drivers) or all employees?
Whether you’re trying to support your executives, support employee mental health or find a better recruiting tool than sign-on bonuses, we can help.
ArmadaCare has various plan options with different coverage types and levels. See how other companies have put ArmadaCare into action.
ArmadaCare offers various supplemental health insurance products and plans with different coverage types and levels, providing a range of options and price points. Unlike other supplemental plans on the market, ours provide coverage for routine, elective and unexpected healthcare expenses.
Premiums, insurance plans, coverage, support services and availability may vary by state. Detailed coverage, exclusions and limitations are listed in the Certificate of Insurance.
**This is not local, state or federal tax advice as each person and each company is unique. It is recommended that you seek the independent counsel of a professional tax adviser.